The Five Dock Avenue of Honour is known as the Row of Trees Memorial for the Rats of Tobruk. It was established to commemorate the Rats of Tobruk. A row of Hill’s Fig trees are located at the corner of Great North Road and Lyons Road, in Five Dock, New South Wales. The Avenue is marked with a memorial column at the corner of the roads.
The NSW War Memorials Register explains the Rats of Tobruk: “The name ‘Rats’ was given the defenders of Tobruk by attacking German forces, and was adopted with pride, rather than being received as the intended insult. The H.M.A.S. Vendetta performed a valiant supply and reinforcement role during the fierce Second World War engagement.” For more information visit
The row of Hill’s Fig trees was planted by the ladies of the Rats of Tobruk Auxillary and is marked by a plaque that reads:
Their Deeds Bought Our Freedom
In tribute to our gallant fighting forces and the sacrifice they made 1939 – 1945 This row of trees planted in their honour by the grateful ladies of the Rats of Tobruk Auxillary.
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