This memorial arch was unveiled by the Governor of NSW, Sir Walter Davidson on 27th April, 1923. The structure heralds the entrance into the living memorial of trees and accompanying gardens, planted in a median strip flanked by the Honour Avenue roadway.
Details of the purpose of commemorating service during WW1 are listed on the left-hand column; the Honour Roll on the right-hand column lists the 27 locals from the area who enlisted. Of those, a small cross denotes the 10 servicemen who did not return.
As for many built memorials, subsequent panels have been added over time, commemorating service during WW2, and the Malaysia, Korea and Vietnam campaigns.
During 2020 & 2021, restoration works on the cenotaph were undertaken and the lettering on the panels were regilded.
Only about a quarter of the original 77 trees planted in Honour Avenue survive. However, with replacement plantings over time, about 74 trees continue the legacy of this living memorial.
Each tree has a plaque, dedicated to an individual.
A diverse range of tree species include: Japanese Cedar/Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica), Magnolia sp, Liquidambar/Sweet Gum (Liquidambar styraciflua), Prunus sp, Canary Island Date Palm (Phoenix canariensis), Pin Oak (Quercus palustris), Himalayan Cedar (Cedrus deodara), Jelly Palm (Butia capitata), Strawberry Tree (Arbutus unedo), Brush Cherry (Syzygium paniculatum), Japanese Maple (Acer palmatum), Lilly Pilly (Syzygium smithii), American Arborvitae (Thuja occidentalis), Kashmir/Bhutan Cypress (Cupressus cashmeriana), Swamp Mahogany (Eucalyptus robusta), Zhoushan Palm (Trachycarpus fortunei), Monterey Cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa), Hiba Cedar (Thujopsis dolobrata), Sweet Olive (Osmanthus fragrans), Camellia sp, Rhododendron sp, Crepe Myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica) and Plume Cedar (Cryptomeria japonica).
This arch features at the other end of Honour Avenue, leaving no doubt as to the purpose of the overall living memorial site.
Honour Avenue is a focal point for traditional ANZAC Day activity.
Honour Avenue is also listed on the NSW War Memorial Register, including details of the WW1 servicemen.