A former coal-mining town in the late 19th century and a population of about 600, the little village of Tannymorel now has less than 200 residents. Most of the built fabric has long gone.
61 London Plane Trees (Platanus x hispanica; Platanus x acerifolia), extend from the town’s western edge for approximately 550m, lining both sides of Kurrajong Street through to the Cenotaph intersection of Oak Street and Tannymorel Mount Colliery Road. These trees form Tannymorel’s Avenue of Honour.
Established to commemorate the service and in some cases the sacrifice, of local enlistees during WW1 and WW2, community history suggests the trees were planted post the Second World War in the late 1940s to early 1950s.
There are some knobbly bumps on the trunks of some of the trees – presumably nature at work.
But on closer inspection, there seems to be something foreign stuck in the trunk.
Here’s another tree with similar ‘defects’.
On closer inspection an original, memorial copper plaque affixed to a steel cross.
At some stage affixed to the bark of a more mature tree at shoulder height (1.6m above the ground), the memorial plaque is now firmly embedded in the trunk. (June 2013)
Read Judith Nissen’s 2014 summary of the Avenue’s history.
Many thanks to John Huth for relaying and updating local research; to Mark Knudsen for the original, early winter time 2013 images and his summary; and for the more recent connection with local history enthusiast, Philippa Smith .