TREENET is encouraged by the groundswell of community spirit and endeavour, through which many neglected living memorial sites are being rejuvenated, restored and reinstated. The establishment of new commemorative plantings is equally inspiring and provides compelling testament of the value of trees and their special qualities as living memorials.
TREENET generally is not directly responsible for initiating commemorative projects and the planting of trees – this type of community activity will happen in spite of TREENET.
It is however particularly special for TREENET to be invited to be part of community discussions in the development of Avenues of Honour projects. It is also special when TREENET can help to more directly initiate projects to ensure the preservation of the history, the memories and stories of those people who served and suffered and indeed made the supreme sacrifice, in their war service on behalf of Australia. TREENET can commit to such undertakings knowing it can rely on the drive of individuals and community groups, the support of administrative authorities and benefactors.
Here are some of the Projects in which TREENET is more directly involved:
Willunga Avenue of Honour
Westport Avenue of Honour – Port Adelaide
Virtual War Memorial Australia