Alexandra Avenue and Prescott Terrace Avenues of Honour (the Avenues) were established on Saturday the 19th of July 1919 to commemorate the 600 to 700 soldiers that enlisted in World War One from the Burnside district (SOLDIERS’ MEMORIAL AVENUES. (1919, July 19). The Advertiser, p. 10). The Avenues are located on Alexandra Ave and Prescott Terrace Rose Park, in South Australia.
The Avenues have two central rows of English Elms (Ulmus procera) along the wide central medians and parallel lines of European Oak species (Quercus ssp.) established along the outer verges which were planted in 1919-1920 (City of Burnside Alexandra Avenue and Prescott Terrace Conservation Management Plan).
Each tree was originally marked with a brass plaque listing the soldiers name and regiment. These were vandalised and stolen over the years and were replaced until the 1970s. The plaques were then replaced with steel disks attached to a steel stake. The Avenues are marked with signs at each end.
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